Implementation of AtomsProperties that relate to NMR dipole-dipole couplings



Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole coupling constants for atom pairs in the system.


Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole tensors as eigenvalues and eigenvectors for atom pairs in the system.


Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole coupling tensor Euler angles for atom pairs in the system.


Compute the Dipolar constant Root Sum Square for each atom in a system, including periodicity, within a cutoff.


Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole coupling tensors for atom pairs in the system.

class, **params)[source]#

Bases: AtomsProperty

Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole coupling constants for atom pairs in the system. For each pair, the closest periodic copy will be considered. The constant for a pair of nuclei i and j is defined as:

\[d_{ij} = -\frac{\mu_0\hbar\gamma_i\gamma_j}{8\pi^2r_{ij}^3}\]

where the gammas represent the gyromagnetic ratios of the nuclei and the r is their distance. The full tensor of the interaction is then defined as

\[\begin{split}D_{ij} = \begin{bmatrix} -d_{ij} & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -d_{ij} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 2d_{ij} \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

where the z-axis is aligned with \(r_{ij}\) and the other two can be any directions in the orthogonal plane.

  • sel_i (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling. By default is None (= all of them).

  • sel_j (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling with the ones in sel_i. By default is None (= same as sel_i).

  • isotopes (dict) – dictionary of specific isotopes to use, by element symbol. If the isotope doesn’t exist an error will be raised.

  • isotope_list (list) – list of isotopes, atom-by-atom. To be used if different atoms of the same element are supposed to be of different isotopes. Where a ‘None’ is present will fall back on the previous definitions. Where an isotope is present it overrides everything else.

  • self_coupling (bool) – if True, include coupling of a nucleus with its own closest periodic copy. Otherwise excluded. Default is False.

  • block_size (int) – maximum size of blocks used when processing large chunks of pairs. Necessary to avoid memory problems for very large systems. Default is 1000.

  • isonuclear (bool) – if True, only compute couplings between nuclei of the same element. Default is False.


Dictionary of couplings in Hz and r_{ij} versors,

pointing from i to j, by atomic index pair.

Return type:

dip_dict (dict)

Initialize an AtomsProperty and set its parameters. The AtomsProperty instance can then be called with a structure as its only argument to get the property with the given parameters.

name (str): a name to give to this specific instance of the
property (will be used to store it as array if
params: named arguments specific to this type of property
__call__(s, store_array=False)#

Calling the AtomsProperty returns the value of the property as extracted with the parameters of this specific instance.

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the given name for this instance

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

static extract(s, sel_i, sel_j, isotopes, isotope_list, self_coupling, block_size, isonuclear)[source]#

Extract the given property with given parameters from an Atoms object.

s (ase.Atoms): the structure from which to extract the property
params: named arguments specific to this type of property

property: the value of the property for the given structure and

classmethod get(s, store_array=False, **kwargs)#

Extract the given property using the default parameters on an Atoms object s

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the default name for this property

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

class, **params)[source]#

Bases: AtomsProperty

Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole tensors as eigenvalues and eigenvectors for atom pairs in the system. For each pair, the closest periodic copy will be considered.

  • sel_i (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling. By default is None (= all of them).

  • sel_j (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling with the ones i sel_i. By default is None (= same as sel_i).

  • isotopes (dict) – dictionary of specific isotopes to use, by element symbol. If the isotope doesn’t exist an error will be raised.

  • isotope_list (list) – list of isotopes, atom-by-atom. To be used if different atoms of the same element are supposed to be of different isotopes. Where a ‘None’ is present will fall back on the previous definitions. Where an isotope is present it overrides everything else.

  • self_coupling (bool) – if True, include coupling of a nucleus with its own closest periodic copy. Otherwise excluded. Default is False.

  • block_size (int) – maximum size of blocks used when processing large chunks of pairs. Necessary to avoid memory problems for very large systems. Default is 1000.

  • isonuclear (bool) – if True, only compute couplings between nuclei of the same element. Default is False.


Dictionary of dipolar eigenvalues (in Hz) and

eigenvectors, by atomic index pair.

Return type:

dip_tens_dict (dict)

Initialize an AtomsProperty and set its parameters. The AtomsProperty instance can then be called with a structure as its only argument to get the property with the given parameters.

name (str): a name to give to this specific instance of the
property (will be used to store it as array if
params: named arguments specific to this type of property
__call__(s, store_array=False)#

Calling the AtomsProperty returns the value of the property as extracted with the parameters of this specific instance.

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the given name for this instance

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

static extract(s, sel_i, sel_j, isotopes, isotope_list, self_coupling, block_size, isonuclear)[source]#

Extract the given property with given parameters from an Atoms object.

s (ase.Atoms): the structure from which to extract the property
params: named arguments specific to this type of property

property: the value of the property for the given structure and

classmethod get(s, store_array=False, **kwargs)#

Extract the given property using the default parameters on an Atoms object s

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the default name for this property

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

class, **params)[source]#

Bases: AtomsProperty

Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole coupling tensor Euler angles for atom pairs in the system. See the DipolarTensor property for details on the tensor.

  • sel_i (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling. By default is None (= all of them).

  • sel_j (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling with the ones in sel_i. By default is None (= same as sel_i).

  • isotopes (dict) – dictionary of specific isotopes to use, by element symbol. If the isotope doesn’t exist an error will be raised.

  • isotope_list (list) – list of isotopes, atom-by-atom. To be used if different atoms of the same element are supposed to be of different isotopes. Where a ‘None’ is present will fall back on the previous definitions. Where an isotope is present it overrides everything else.

  • self_coupling (bool) – if True, include coupling of a nucleus with its own closest periodic copy. Otherwise excluded. Default is False.

  • isonuclear (bool) – if True, only compute couplings between nuclei of the same element. Default is False.

  • block_size (int) – maximum size of blocks used when processing large chunks of pairs. Necessary to avoid memory problems for very large systems. Default is 1000.

  • rotation_axis (np.ndarray) – if present, return the residual dipolar tensors after fast averaging around the given axis. Default is None.

  • convention (str) – ‘zyz’ or ‘zxz’ accepted - the ordering of the Euler angle rotation axes. Default is zyz

  • passive (bool) – active or passive rotations. Default is active (passive=False)

  • degrees (bool) – return the angles in degrees. Default is False


Dictionary of tensors in Hz by atomic index pair.

Return type:

dip_dict (dict)

Initialize an AtomsProperty and set its parameters. The AtomsProperty instance can then be called with a structure as its only argument to get the property with the given parameters.

name (str): a name to give to this specific instance of the
property (will be used to store it as array if
params: named arguments specific to this type of property
__call__(s, store_array=False)#

Calling the AtomsProperty returns the value of the property as extracted with the parameters of this specific instance.

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the given name for this instance

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

static extract(s, sel_i, sel_j, isotopes, isotope_list, self_coupling, isonuclear, block_size, rotation_axis, convention, passive, degrees)[source]#

Extract the given property with given parameters from an Atoms object.

s (ase.Atoms): the structure from which to extract the property
params: named arguments specific to this type of property

property: the value of the property for the given structure and

classmethod get(s, store_array=False, **kwargs)#

Extract the given property using the default parameters on an Atoms object s

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the default name for this property

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

class, **params)[source]#

Bases: AtomsProperty

Compute the Dipolar constant Root Sum Square for each atom in a system, including periodicity, within a cutoff.

  • cutoff (float) – cutoff radius in Angstroms at which the sum stops. By default 5 Ang.

  • isonuclear (bool) – if True, only nuclei of the same species will be considered. By default is False.

  • isotopes (dict) – dictionary of specific isotopes to use, by element symbol. If the isotope doesn’t exist an error will be raised.

  • isotope_list (list) – list of isotopes, atom-by-atom. To be used if different atoms of the same element are supposed to be of different isotopes. Where a ‘None’ is present will fall back on the previous definitions. Where an isotope is present it overrides everything else.


dipolar constant RSS for each atom in the system

Return type:

dip_rss (np.ndarray)

Initialize an AtomsProperty and set its parameters. The AtomsProperty instance can then be called with a structure as its only argument to get the property with the given parameters.

name (str): a name to give to this specific instance of the
property (will be used to store it as array if
params: named arguments specific to this type of property
__call__(s, store_array=False)#

Calling the AtomsProperty returns the value of the property as extracted with the parameters of this specific instance.

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the given name for this instance

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

static extract(s, cutoff, isonuclear, isotopes, isotope_list)[source]#

Extract the given property with given parameters from an Atoms object.

s (ase.Atoms): the structure from which to extract the property
params: named arguments specific to this type of property

property: the value of the property for the given structure and

classmethod get(s, store_array=False, **kwargs)#

Extract the given property using the default parameters on an Atoms object s

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the default name for this property

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

class, **params)[source]#

Bases: AtomsProperty

Produces a dictionary of dipole-dipole coupling tensors for atom pairs in the system. For each pair, the closest periodic copy will be considered. The coupling constant for a pair of nuclei i and j is defined as:

\[d_{ij} = -\frac{\mu_0\hbar\gamma_i\gamma_j}{8\pi^2r_{ij}^3}\]

where the gammas represent the gyromagnetic ratios of the nuclei and the r is their distance. The full tensor of the interaction is then defined as

\[D_{ij} = d_{ij}(3\hat{r}_{ij}\otimes \hat{r}_{ij}-\mathbb{I})\]

where \(\hat{r}_{ij} = r_{ij}/|r_{ij}|\) and the Kronecker product is used.

  • sel_i (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling. By default is None (= all of them).

  • sel_j (AtomSelection or [int]) – Selection or list of indices of atoms for which to compute the dipolar coupling with the ones in sel_i. By default is None (= same as sel_i).

  • isotopes (dict) – dictionary of specific isotopes to use, by element symbol. If the isotope doesn’t exist an error will be raised.

  • isotope_list (list) – list of isotopes, atom-by-atom. To be used if different atoms of the same element are supposed to be of different isotopes. Where a ‘None’ is present will fall back on the previous definitions. Where an isotope is present it overrides everything else.

  • self_coupling (bool) – if True, include coupling of a nucleus with its own closest periodic copy. Otherwise excluded. Default is False.

  • block_size (int) – maximum size of blocks used when processing large chunks of pairs. Necessary to avoid memory problems for very large systems. Default is 1000.

  • rotation_axis (np.ndarray) – if present, return the residual dipolar tensors after fast averaging around the given axis. Default is None.

  • isonuclear (bool) – if True, only compute couplings between nuclei of the same element. Default is False.


Dictionary of NMRTensor objects in Hz by atomic index pair.

Return type:

dip_dict (dict)

Initialize an AtomsProperty and set its parameters. The AtomsProperty instance can then be called with a structure as its only argument to get the property with the given parameters.

name (str): a name to give to this specific instance of the
property (will be used to store it as array if
params: named arguments specific to this type of property
__call__(s, store_array=False)#

Calling the AtomsProperty returns the value of the property as extracted with the parameters of this specific instance.

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the given name for this instance

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed

static extract(s, sel_i, sel_j, isotopes, isotope_list, self_coupling, block_size, rotation_axis, isonuclear)[source]#

Extract the given property with given parameters from an Atoms object.

s (ase.Atoms): the structure from which to extract the property
params: named arguments specific to this type of property

property: the value of the property for the given structure and

classmethod get(s, store_array=False, **kwargs)#

Extract the given property using the default parameters on an Atoms object s

s (ase.Atoms or AtomsCollection): the structure or collection
from which to extract the
store_array (bool): if s is a collection, whether to store the
resulting data as an array in the collection
using the default name for this property

property: the value of the property for the given structure or
a list of values if a collection has been passed