Module containing class to help parsing cif file containing marked up disorder.
from turtle import position
from ase.io import read
from ase import Atoms, Atom
from ase.spacegroup import get_spacegroup, crystal
from orgdisord.utils import molecule_collide
from orgdisord.disordered_structure import (
import numpy as np
import logging
[docs]class CifParser:
Class to parse cif file containing marked up disorder.
[docs] def __init__(
self.cif_file = cif_file
self.symprec = symprec
# use ASE to read in cif and info
self.atoms = read(self.cif_file, store_tags=True)
self.cell = self.atoms.cell
self.correlated_assemblies = correlated_assemblies
self.molecular_crystal = molecular_crystal
# save the info dictionary
self.info = self.atoms.info
self.logger = logging.getLogger("orgdisord.parse_cif_file")
self.logger.debug("--- PARSING CIF FILE ---")
# Disorder assemblies and groups
# Make sure the info dictionary contains the disorder tags
groups_present = "_atom_site_disorder_group" in self.info
assemblies_present = "_atom_site_disorder_assembly" in self.info
occupancies_present = "_atom_site_occupancy" in self.info
self.logger.debug("Disorder tags present in cif file:")
self.logger.debug(f" groups: {groups_present}")
self.logger.debug(f" assemblies: {assemblies_present}")
self.logger.debug(f" occupancies: {occupancies_present}")
if not groups_present:
f"Cif file {self.cif_file} does not "
"contain disorder group tags. Best practice is to use these to disambiguate disorder assemblies/groups."
if not occupancies_present:
raise ValueError(
f"Cif file {self.cif_file} neither contains "
"disorder group tags nor occupancy information. Please edit the cif file appropriately."
if not assemblies_present:
f"Cif file {self.cif_file} does not contain disorder assembly tags. "
"Best practice is to use these to disambiguate disorder assemblies/groups."
# scaled coordinates of the asymmetric sites:
asymmetric_x = self.info["_atom_site_fract_x"]
asymmetric_y = self.info["_atom_site_fract_y"]
asymmetric_z = self.info["_atom_site_fract_z"]
self.asymmetric_scaled_coords = np.array(
[asymmetric_x, asymmetric_y, asymmetric_z]
# element symbols of the asymmetric sites:
self.asymmetric_symbols = np.array(self.info["_atom_site_type_symbol"])
# labels of the asymmetric sites:
self.asymmetric_labels = np.array(self.info["_atom_site_label"])
# occupancies of the asymmetric sites:
if occupancies_present:
occupancies = np.array(self.info["_atom_site_occupancy"])
occupancies = np.ones(len(self.asymmetric_symbols))
"Warning: No occupancies found in CIF file. Assuming all occupancies are 1."
self.occupancies = occupancies
# get the occupancies that are not 1
partial_occ_idx = np.where(occupancies != 1)[0]
partial_occupancies = occupancies[partial_occ_idx]
# if there are no disorder tags, we assume the occupancies form n disorder groups
if not groups_present:
) = self._extract_groups_from_occupancies(
partial_occ_idx, partial_occupancies
raw_disorder_groups = self.info["_atom_site_disorder_group"]
if assemblies_present:
raw_disorder_assemblies = self.info["_atom_site_disorder_assembly"]
raw_disorder_assemblies = [
"." for i in range(len(self.asymmetric_labels))
# save to object
self._raw_disorder_groups = raw_disorder_groups
self._raw_disorder_assemblies = raw_disorder_assemblies
# let's define the ordered sites as with disorder group '.'
# make sure we're comparing strings
self.ordered_mask = np.array(self._raw_disorder_groups).astype(str) == "."
# self.ordered_mask = occupancies == 1
# split into assembly and disorder groups
self.disorder_groups = self.split_disorder_groups(
# structure is {assembly label: {disorder group label: [indices]}}
self.nassemblies = len(self.disorder_groups.keys())
all_kinds = self.atoms.get_array("spacegroup_kinds")
all_disorder_tags = np.zeros(len(all_kinds))
iass = 0
for asslabel, groups in self.disorder_groups.items():
iass += 1e3
for grouplabel, group in groups.items():
for idx in group:
all_disorder_tags[np.where(all_kinds == idx)[0]] = iass + grouplabel
if self.nassemblies == 0:
# this should never happen now that we check above...
raise ValueError(
f"Cif file {self.cif_file} does not contain any marked up disorder assemblies/groups"
# for now raise error if there are different numer of disorder groups in different assemblies
ngroups = [len(group) for asslabel, group in self.disorder_groups.items()]
if len(set(ngroups)) > 1:
f"Cif file {self.cif_file} contains different numbers"
" of disorder groups in different assemblies. We therefore assume that they are not correlated.\n"
"This is a bit experimental, so double check your results!"
# spacegroup info:
sg = self.atoms.info["spacegroup"]
if sg.centrosymmetric:
The crystal read as centrosymmetric,
but since we read in the symmetry operations
from the CIF file (which include the inversion operations explicitly),
we proceed as if it is non-centrosymmetric."""
sg._centrosymmetric = 0
self.sg = sg
self.nops = sg.nsymop
# symmetry operations — tuples of (rotation, translation)
self.symops = sg.get_symop()
self.logger.debug(f"Found {self.nops} symmetry operations. Spacegroup {sg}")
# TODO: is there a better way to get Z?
## warn if _cell_formula_units_Z is not present in info dict
if not "_cell_formula_units_z" in self.info:
f"Cif file {self.cif_file} does not contain _cell_formula_units_z tag. "
"Assuming Z = number of symmetry operations. "
"This is not correct in many cases - please edit the cif file appropriately."
Z = self.nops
Z = self.info["_cell_formula_units_z"]
self.Z = Z
self.Zprime = Z / self.nops
self.logger.debug(f"Z = {Z}, Zprime = {self.Zprime}")
# report the disorder groups to user
for asslabel, groups in self.disorder_groups.items():
f"Assembly {asslabel} contains {len(groups)} disorder groups:"
for grouplabel, group in groups.items():
self.logger.debug(f" Group {grouplabel} contains {len(group)} sites:")
for ig in group:
f" label: {self.info['_atom_site_label'][ig]: >8}, index: {ig: 5d}, species: {self.asymmetric_symbols[ig]: >4}, occupancy: {occupancies[ig]: >5.2f}"
tol = 1e-4
if any(abs(1 - occupancies[group]) < tol):
f"WARNING: Disorder group {grouplabel} from assembly {asslabel} contains site(s) with full occupancy. Please check the log file and your cif file carefully!"
self.logger.debug("Check to make sure these are the groups you were expecting!")
self.logger.debug("Otherwise, try editing the cif file and rerunning.")
# build out the full crystal with the ordered sites
self.ordered_atoms = self.gen_ordered_atoms()
def _extract_groups_from_occupancies(self, partial_occ_idx, partial_occupancies):
raw_disorder_groups = ["." for i in range(len(self.asymmetric_symbols))]
raw_disorder_assemblies = ["." for i in range(len(self.asymmetric_symbols))]
ndisordered_sites = len(partial_occ_idx)
if ndisordered_sites == 0:
raise ValueError("No partial occupancies found.")
# get the unique occupancies -- these will be the disorder groups
unique_occupancies = np.unique(partial_occupancies)
if len(unique_occupancies) == 1:
raise ValueError(
"\nOccupancy information incomplete - "
f"only one unique partial occupancy found: {unique_occupancies[0]}. \n"
"Cannot resolve the ambiguity. Please add _atom_site_disorder_group tags to the cif file."
# if even number of unique occupancies, we can will assume that they come in pairs that each sum to 1
# if odd number of unique occupancies, we assume that there is one assembly with all the occupancies
if len(unique_occupancies) % 2 != 0:
"Warning: Odd number of unique occupancies found. "
"Assuming that they are all part of one disorder assembly."
raise NotImplementedError(
"Odd number of unique occupancies not yet implemented."
"Even number of unique occupancies found. "
"Assuming that they come assemblies with pairs of groups whose occupancies sum to 1."
# find pairs that sum to 1
occ_pairs = []
for i, occ in enumerate(unique_occupancies):
for j in range(i + 1, len(unique_occupancies)):
if np.isclose(occ + unique_occupancies[j], 1):
occ_pairs.append((occ, unique_occupancies[j]))
if len(occ_pairs) != len(unique_occupancies) // 2:
raise ValueError(
"Occupancy information incomplete - "
"some pairs of partial occupancies do not sum to 1 \n"
f"unique partial occupancies: {unique_occupancies} \n"
f"pairs that sum to 1: {occ_pairs}."
# if we get here, we can assign disorder groups based on the occupancies
# we assume sites with the same occupancy are in the same disorder group
for i, pair in enumerate(occ_pairs):
# get the uppercase letter corresponding to the pair index
ass_label = chr(i + 65)
for j, occ in enumerate(pair):
# j is the group_label
group_label = j
# get the indices of the sites with this occupancy
occ_idx = np.where(partial_occupancies == occ)[0]
for j in occ_idx:
# set the disorder group for this site
raw_disorder_groups[partial_occ_idx[j]] = group_label
raw_disorder_assemblies[partial_occ_idx[j]] = ass_label
return raw_disorder_assemblies, raw_disorder_groups
def gen_ordered_atoms(self):
if there are any fully ordered sites,
build out the full crystal with the ordered sites
otherwise return empty atoms object
mask = self.ordered_mask
if any(mask):
# -> we have some ordered sites
"Found ordered sites. Building full crystal with ordered sites."
# any ordered sites with occupancy different to 1?
partially_occupied = [
for idx, occ in enumerate(self.occupancies)
if occ != 1 and mask[idx]
if len(partially_occupied) > 0:
f"Warning: Sites {self.asymmetric_labels[partially_occupied]} "
"are in the ordered sites group but have occupancy != 1.\n"
"They will be included in the generated structures but will probably be wrong...\n"
"Please check your CIF file carefully!"
symbols = self.asymmetric_symbols[mask]
labels = self.asymmetric_labels[mask]
scaled_coords = self.asymmetric_scaled_coords[mask]
ordered_atoms = crystal(
# now map the labels onto the corresponding atoms
kinds = ordered_atoms.get_array("spacegroup_kinds")
all_labels = np.array([labels[kind] for kind in kinds])
ordered_atoms.set_array("labels", all_labels)
# empty box of the right shape
ordered_atoms = Atoms(cell=self.atoms.cell, pbc=True)
return ordered_atoms
def split_assembly_groups(self, atoms):
Note: atoms.info must contain _atom_site_disorder_assembly
Returns indices grouped by the sorted assembly label
From the IUCR definition of _atoms_site_disorder_assembly:
> A code which identifies a cluster of atoms that show long-range
positional disorder but are locally ordered. Within each such
cluster of atoms, _atom_site_disorder_group is used to identify
the sites that are simultaneously occupied. This field is only
needed if there is more than one cluster of disordered atoms
showing independent local order.
disorder_assemblies = self._raw_disorder_assemblies
labels = list(set(disorder_assemblies))
if "." in labels:
self.logger.debug(f"Found the following disorder assembly labels: {labels}")
indices = range(len(disorder_assemblies))
# dictionary of indices grouped by the sorted assembly label
indices_by_assembly = {label: [] for label in labels}
for i, label in enumerate(disorder_assemblies):
if label in labels:
return indices_by_assembly
# assembly_groups = [[idx for idx in indices if disorder_assemblies[idx] == label] for label in labels]
# return assembly_groups
def split_disorder_groups(self, assemblies_present=True):
Note: atoms.info must contain _atom_site_disorder_assembly and _atom_site_disorder_group
Returns indices of asymmetric atoms grouped by sorted disorder group within each assembly group
From the IUCR definition of _atoms_site_disorder_group:
> A code which identifies a group of positionally disordered atom
sites that are locally simultaneously occupied. Atoms that are
positionally disordered over two or more sites (e.g. the hydrogen
atoms of a methyl group that exists in two orientations) can
be assigned to two or more groups. Sites belonging to the same
group are simultaneously occupied, but those belonging to
different groups are not. A minus prefix (e.g. '-1') is used to
indicate sites disordered about a special position.
*** This data item would not in general be used in a
macromolecular data block. ***
site_disorder_groups = self._raw_disorder_groups
labels = list(set(site_disorder_groups))
if "." in labels:
self.logger.debug(f"Found the following disorder group labels: {labels}")
# warn if any sites are neither in any group nor in the ordered sites
unassigned_sites = [
for idx in range(len(site_disorder_groups))
if site_disorder_groups[idx] == "." and not self.ordered_mask[idx]
if len(unassigned_sites) > 0:
f"Warning: Sites {self.asymmetric_labels[unassigned_sites]} "
"are neither in any disorder group nor in the ordered sites! "
"These will *not* be included in the generated structures. "
"Please check your CIF file carefully!"
if "." in np.array(site_disorder_groups, dtype="U")[self.occupancies != 1]:
f"Warning: Some sites are not in a disorder group but have occupancy != 1."
if assemblies_present:
assembly_groups = self.split_assembly_groups(self)
self.logger.debug(f"Found {len(assembly_groups.keys())} assembly group(s):")
for label, indices in assembly_groups.items():
f" Assembly {label}: {len(indices)} sites: {indices}"
# no assemblies present, so just group by disorder group and give label 'A'
assembly_groups = {"A": [idx for idx in range(len(site_disorder_groups))]}
disorder_groups = {
asslabel: {label: [] for label in labels}
for asslabel in assembly_groups.keys()
for asslabel, indices in assembly_groups.items():
for i, label in enumerate(site_disorder_groups):
if label in labels:
if i in indices:
f"Found {len(disorder_groups[asslabel])} disorder groups in assembly group {asslabel}:"
self.logger.debug(f" Python indices: {disorder_groups[asslabel]}")
# delete any empty disorder assemblies or disorder groups
disorder_groups = {
ass_k: {group_k: group_v for group_k, group_v in ass_v.items() if group_v}
for ass_k, ass_v in disorder_groups.items()
if ass_v
# remove assemblies that just have an empty dictionary
disorder_groups = {k: v for k, v in disorder_groups.items() if v}
# warning if any are in an assembly but not in a disorder group
for asslabel, indices in assembly_groups.items():
for i in indices:
if site_disorder_groups[i] not in labels:
f"Warning: Site {i} ({self.asymmetric_labels[i]}) in assembly {asslabel} has no disorder group. "
"This site will be considered *ordered*. \n"
"Double check the CIF file."
return disorder_groups
# def is_assembly_asymmetric(self, assembly_label):
# '''
# Assembly is considered asymmetric if any of the disorder groups
# have a negative label.
# This isn't used anywhere -- I'm not sure if it's the correct approach...
# '''
# # make sure we've already got the disorder groups
# if not hasattr(self, 'disorder_groups'):
# self.disorder_groups = self.split_disorder_groups(assemblies_present=True)
# disorder_group_labels = sorted(self.disorder_groups[assembly_label].keys())
# asymmetric_disorder_groups = [l for l in disorder_group_labels if l < 0]
# # check any of the disorder group labels is negative
# asymmetric_assembly = False
# if len(disorder_group_labels) == 1:
# if disorder_group_labels[0] < 0:
# # we have a single asymmetric disorder group
# asymmetric_assembly = True
# else:
# self.logger.warn(f'Warning: assembly {assembly_label} has just a single non-asymmetric disorder group.')
# else:
# if len(asymmetric_disorder_groups) > 0:
# # check if all the disorder group labels are negative
# if len(asymmetric_disorder_groups) == len(disorder_group_labels):
# asymmetric_assembly = True
# else:
# self.logger.warn(f'Warning: assembly {assembly_label} has a mix of positive and negative disorder group labels -- not sure what to do here!' )
# return asymmetric_assembly
def get_disordered_structure(self):
Retruns a DisorderedStructure object.
# get ordered part
ordered_atoms = self.ordered_atoms
# get disordered part
disorder_assemblies = []
# loop over assemblies
for iass, (asslabel, groups) in enumerate(self.disorder_groups.items()):
asstag = (iass + 1) * 1e3 if self.nassemblies > 1 else 0
# loop over groups
disorder_groups = []
for igroup, (grouplabel, group) in enumerate(groups.items()):
grouptag = igroup + 1 + asstag
# create ASE Atoms object for group
symbols = self.asymmetric_symbols[group]
labels = self.asymmetric_labels[group]
scaled_coords = self.asymmetric_scaled_coords[group]
occupancies = self.occupancies[group]
atoms = Atoms(
atoms.set_array("labels", labels)
atoms.set_array("occupancies", occupancies)
group_occupancy = np.mean(occupancies)
# create DisorderedGroup object
disorder_group = DisorderGroup(
group_symops = disorder_group.get_group_symmetry_operations(
self.sg, self.Z
# set the symmetry operations for the group
disorder_group.symmetry_operations = group_symops
# add to list of groups
# create DisorderedAssembly object out of list of DisorderedGroup objects
disorder_assembly = DisorderAssembly(
label=asslabel, disorder_groups=disorder_groups, tag=asstag
# add to list of assemblies
# create DisorderedStructure object to be returned
disordered_structure = DisorderedStructure(
return disordered_structure