- orgdisord.utils.reload_as_molecular_crystal(images: List[ase.atoms.Atoms], parallel: bool = True, cheap: bool = False, wrap: bool = False)[source]#
takes in a list of atoms, identifies molecules, unwraps molecules so that they’re ‘connected’ across periodic boundaries TODO: Test wrap in parallel mode and in cheap mode.
- Parameters
images (list) – list of atoms objects
parallel (bool) – whether to use parallel processing. Only gives a speedup if there are ~100 structures per core. Fewer than that and we just run in serial Default: True
cheap (bool) – whether to use cheap mode. This is faster, but doesn’t work for all lists of structures. Avoid if possible. It assumes that the molecules in each structure have the same indices. (i.e. it only looks at the connectivity of the first structure and assumes that the connectivity is the same for all structures). Default: False.
wrap (bool) – whether to wrap molecules Default: False
- Returns
list of atoms objects
- Return type
images_new (list)